How to get more followers that actually matter

Now that you know why quality followers defeats quantity of followers; I’m going to continue on with the number 5 and provide you with 5 ways to get more followers on your social media profiles, that actually matter.
1) Share relevant and relatable content
On Facebook, businesses are rewarded with increased organic reach if they share relevant and valuable content on their business page. That reach will help increase awareness of their Facebook Page, and will provide Facebook Likes in return. On Instagram, if you share relevant and relatable images, you’ll get more Likes and more people will be inclined to follow your Instagram account. For people to want to hit the follow button and double-tap your photos, they need to be confident that you will be consistently putting up high-quality photos and interesting captions. However, giving your audience what they want to see doesn’t mean you have to post the same kind of photo all the time.
Same goes with Facebook posts, unlike Twitter, where a Tweet can disappear in someone’s newsfeed after 30 seconds, a Facebook post can keep popping up on someone’s newsfeed each time one of their friends engages with it. So make sure your Facebook posts aren’t too similar to one another but if you must post the same content, spread it out on your content calendar.
2) Add social plugins on to your website
If your blog visitors like what they are reading, they’ll be more inclined to follow you on your social media profiles. However, you need to make the process of them following you simpler. You can do this by installing social sharing plugins on to your website to decrease the friction between your visitors and the act of following you on social media. Social sharing plugins will help convert your website visitors into social media followers and brand advocates.
3) Use social media ads
You may be thinking, social media ads costs money, isn’t this the same as buying followers? Wrong. Social media ads help you target a specific audience that may not necessarily be seeing your social media profile organically.
By targeting this specific audience you’re allowing your business to be seen, heard, and followed — by real people. The act of buying followers is you paying a “bot” to create more “bots” to like your social media profile. Which is totally different from using social media ads to increase your social media following.
4) Be consistent
This can make or break someone’s decision when it comes to choosing to follow you on social media. If someone lands on your profile and sees that the last time you posted was 3 months ago, they are less likely to follow you. However, if they see that you have a consistent social media presence, this will increase the likelihood of them following you because they want to stay in the loop with what you post. Keep in mind though, that being consistent is different from being spammy. Don’t post too much because of gaining followers you’re going lose followers. So be careful and think before you post!
5) Engage with your audience Having quality and real followers, means you’re gaining an audience filled with people ready to have a conversation with you. If you want to create meaningful relationships with your followers you need to listen and talk to them. Create a social media engagement plan before you engage so you can build out a process, embody your tone of voice, and create KPIs.
I hope this post has highlighted valid reasons to why buying followers is not good for your business and is something you should stay far away from. Instead, follow the 5 tips above and grow your social media following organically, to attract high-quality followers.


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