Guest Post: The Trending Stuff About Twitter Page Management

With all the changes that Twitter is going to go through this 2016, community managers and
digital marketing specialists are going to have to prepare themselves to start adapting. As
Twitter itself is rapidly evolving, so is the need for users to access more information. It is
because of this increase in demand that Twitter Management will be a little bit different as
compared to last year. When community managers or marketing specialists are going to
manage their businesses’ Twitter page, they are going to have to take note of the trends that
will be coming out so that they can ride along.
Twitter “Like” Button
Ever since Twitter has introduced their own version of the “Like” button, they have been aiming
to appear more appealing to the mainstream since people are used to “Liking” posts because of
Facebook. With this, Twitter has also adapted that feature. How is this relevant? The number of
Twitter Likes that a post has can now become a measurement of how popular a post is. If a
user enjoyed reading a certain post, he or she will “Like” it automatically. By measuring the
number of Twitter Likes per post, community managers can determine which type of posts is
popular among the users. They can use this information to … Click to Continue
About Author:
Sheena Mathieson, understands the essence of making excellent content that suits the needs of
every business especially when it comes online marketing. She can spice up your marketing
campaign with the content she makes and then incorporate Buy Real Marketing services.


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