Does Buying Fake Twitter Follower Save you Time?

Having 50 followers is a celebration for me, what more of 1,000 or more followers and actually, engage with you on twitter is surely a big effect on your ego. For the last years, it is a rife in social media especially on Twitter on buying followers and/or engagements. Countless known bloggers had explained the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages but we cannot argue how useful buying twitter follower is.
One of the advantages of buying Twitter followers/engagement is that it saves your time.
1. Posting Regularly
You have to post regularly in order to acquire new followers and keep your present followers because people tend to unfollow Twitter accounts they no longer find valuable. Also the inactive ones. However, if you post too often and post irrelevant contents, your followers may also be annoyed and just unfollow you.
2. Following Back
I read a tip somewhere that in order to gain new followers, you must first follow them be followed back and unfollow them later.(What a tiring work is this.)An equal “following-to-follower” ratio may entice new people to follow you because they’ll assume you will follow back. There’s a good chance to be followed back but it’s also for themselves to gain new followers.
3. Replying
Replying to mentions will show that your account is active and engaging thus, gaining new followers.
Regardless of what I listed above, I don’t think buying fake followers save you anytime, not in the short term and even less in the long term. Buying fake followers to engage with an account or its content is really an easy way to shoot your own feet and lose money in the process. Getting Twitter followers organically take a lot of time and patience. If you’re paying a third party to increase your Twitter followers, chances are they are bots or inactive accounts. It doesn’t matter how many followers you have. What matters is what kind of engagement you have on Twitter.


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